Thursday, November 12, 2009


This is my niece Sarah.  Sarah was diagnosed with a brain tumor called Gliosarcoma.  Because of where it was located it could not be removed, but after many different surgeries and treatments Sarah went into remission at the age of 15.  At the age of 17 she was put on an experimental treatment along with 5 other little girls.  Four of them died and Sarah suffered a stroke that left her paralyzed.  After many years of therapy, Sarah has relearned how to walk with a brace on her leg and her arm is kept in a sling.  Sarah is 25 years old now and is still on therapy and many medications.  She speaks clearly but sometimes she has to stop and think before she can verbalize her thoughts.   She is still on her journey dealing with her cancer.  We thank God everyday that she can live as normal a life as can be expected.

Will Sarah ever be able to live as a normal young woman?  Only God has the answer to that.  But we are blessed that she is doing well for now and helps children in a cancer hospital when she is able to do so.  Our niece is an angel on earth.  She is so brave and strong  that it amazes me what we can learn from her after all she has been through.

I designed this sampler for her when she began this long journey and am so glad that she is still here to enjoy it. Sarah's Journey is a reminder to all of us that life is a journey and how we live it and handle the obstacles makes us the person we are.


  1. What a beautiful young woman your niece is, Velma. Thank you for sharing about her and her cancer journey. She truly is an inspiration!

  2. Thank you for sharing about the reason for the design for Sarah's Journey. I love stories that go with the charts & makes them have meaning. Your niece is beautiful. The Lord is looking over her and guilding her each day! As Sherrie said, She is an inspiration to everyone!

  3. Knowing the story behind this sampler will make it mean even more to those who stitch and cherish it. Thank you, and continuing best wishes to your remarkable niece.

  4. How truly sad that such a young person has to suffer so much. She is an example to all of us with her courage and kindness. Bless her.

  5. What a beautiful person your niece is and so brave and courageous. The sampler you made in her honor is even more lovely because of the story behind it. May God continue to guide, protect and strengthen Sarah.

  6. It really is beautiful and you are blessed to have her...she must truly enrich your life. Dianntha

  7. That's a lovely story and Sarah's an amazing young woman to tough it out. That's a lovely sampler you designed for her.

    BTW, I can leave a comment now. Thank you Vilma!
