Just a picture of some of the graphs that I bought from Maria
"The Stitcherhood" since I liked them because I could do
some quick stitching for friends and families. You can check
out her other designs at http://www.thestitcherhood.com/ and check
out her blog http://thestitcherhood.blogspot.com/ for her nice
little freebies that she offers once in a while, she is a real sweet
person and a new friend.
This is another of my personal stitched samplers, it is from
Sheepish Designs and as you can see from the date on the
sampler, I stitched it a long time ago.
This is also one of my personal stitching samplers, it is also
from Sheepish Designs Antiques, but I personalized it
with my name and the date I finished it, so yes I have been
stitching for a while now and I have always loved samplers
since I like to display them in my home. You will notice
that this design came out more wide than the original one,
but that is because I used unevenweave hand woven linen
from the Scarlet Letter.
I've stitched this wee green and pink one too. It's a Canadian antique sampler from the east coast. I stitched it as is and added my name along the bottom with small back stitches way back in 1993. A friend has done this one also. Maria S.