Paule in France was kind enough to send me a photo of her TRACY'S CAT SAMPLER stitched 1 over 1 on 30 ct grey linen. Great job Paule, and thank you for sharing it with me, I also love the silver charm she added, thank you again Paule in France for your kindness in sharing your finished piece with me, your work is beautiful.

Also my thanks again to Theresa B. who was so kind in sharing another of her finished pieces with me, she is such a wonderful stitcher and I love how her QUAKER BLACK SWAN turned out. Theresa is such a wonderful and sweet lady and mother to 10 wonderful children, 5 girls and 5 boys (how blessed can she be with such a beautiful family) you can see her family at and read more about her children. God bless you Theresa.

Maria sent me this photo from her friend Cathie. It is her wip progress on THE NEEDLECHARMER, which is a limited edition graph. She is using DMC floss and it is looking beautiful! Great job, Cathie G. from St. George, Ontario, hope you share a picture when you
have finished it and thank you again Maria and Cathie.
Now for some wonderful news.
My friend Kathy has finally gotten her website up and running and it is wonderful. You won't have to keep scrolling through her blog to find what you need. Check it out at Great job Kathy and my congratulations on your new website. Also she will be having a message board for all stitchers to share their work, designs, linens, threads and post pictures of their work. What a wonderful idea for Kathy to give us a forum so stitchers from around the world can make new friends and comments about their love for cross stitching.
Anne from Gloriana Threads sent me some samples of her beautiful new Florimell Silk, hand-dyed Au Ver A Soie, brand Soie d' Alger, she is doing all her colors in the new Florimell line, they are just beautiful and great for stitching with one strand on 30, 32, 34, 35 and even 36 count linen. Now to stitch a design with them.
She also shared her story why her company is called "GLORIANA THREADS". Gloriana is the name of the queen of the Fairies in Sir Edmond Spenser's poem "The Faerie Queene" an incomplete epic poem published in England in two parts in 1590 and 1596. This allegorical poem glorifies Queen Elizabeth I, who was known as Gloriana for the rest of her reign. Florimell, who represents beauty and purity, is another female character in the poem. Poor Florimell was unlucky at love, the one man she fell in love with in the poem was not in love with her. Thank you Anne for sharing this story with me.